National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) on Wednesday asked the government to grant industry status to the food services sector while seeking an equitable and fair e-commerce policy to provide a level-playing field to protect restaurants, delivery partners and consumers from potentially exploitative practices of platforms. In its pre-Budget recommendations, National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) said restaurants should be allowed to operate for longer hours, and also sought targeted subsidy schemes and access to debt financing for SMEs.
Calling for a review of notification for GST on commercial leases through RCM, NRAI said, the notification has caused inflationary pressure on most of the smaller restaurants and MSME business owners who were generally renting from unregistered dealers. NRAI President Sagar Daryani said the food services industry is critical to India's economy, providing significant revenue to the government, employment, and consumption. Despite its potential, the sector faces challenges that restrict its growth and expansion.
"To address these challenges, timely support and reforms are required. Balanced and fair policies will not only unlock the industry's maximum potential but will also ensure long-term growth, benefiting millions of employees, consumers, and businesses while reinforcing its position as a key economic driver," he added.
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